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And the Earth becomes a Sun. The Mystery of the Resurrection
Wynstones Press 2014. ISBN 9780946206773

Anthroposophy and The Philosophy of Freedom. Anthroposophy and ist Method of Cognition. The Christological and Cosmic-Human Dimension of The Philosophy of Freedom
Temple Lodge Publishing 2009. ISBN 9781906999025

The Apperance of Christ in the Etheric. Spiritual-Scientific Aspects of the Second Coming
Temple Lodge Publishing 2012. ISBN 9781906999322

The Case of Valentin Tomberg. Anthroposophy or Jesuitism?
Temple Lodge Publishing currently unavailable, 1997. ISBN 9780904693850

The Creative Power of Anthroposophical Christology
Christ’s Reappearance in the Etheric in Relation to the Fifth Gospel
The Christmas Conference and the Founding of the New Mysteries
The Christology of the Book “An Outline of Occult Science”
The First Goetheanum and It’s Christological Foundations
SteinerBooks 2012. ISBN 9780880107334

The Cycle of the Seasons and the Seven Liberal Arts.
Temple Lodge Publishing 1995. ISBN 9781906999629

The Cycle of the Year as a Path of Initiation Leading to an Experience of the Christ Being. An Esoteric Study of the Festivals
Temple Lodge Publishing 2nd edition 2014. ISBN 9781906999629

The East in the Light of the West Parts One to Three.
Part One: The Teachings of Agni Yoga in the Light of Christian Esotericism
Part Two: The Teachings of Alice Bailey in the Light of Christian Esotericism
Part Three: The Birth of christian Esotericism in the Twentieth Century and the Occult Powers that Oppose it
Temple Lodge Publishing 2009. ISBN 9781906999063

The End of the Century and the Tasks of the Anthroposophical Society.
Temple Lodge Publishing 1999. ISBN 9791902636091

The Esoteric Nature of the Anthroposophical Society.
Wynstones Press 2014. ISBN 9780946206766

The Esoteric Path through the Nineteen Class Lessons in the Light of the Supersensible Mystery of Golgotha and the Fifth Gospel. Esoteric Studies relating to the Path through the Nineteen Class lessons of the Michael School, volume two. For members of the School of Spiritual Science
Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum 2016.

The Esoteric Significance of Spiritual Work in Anthroposophical Groups and the Future of the Anthroposophical Society.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2007. ISBN 9781902636832

Eternal Individuality. Towards a Karmic Biography of Novalis
Temple Lodge Publishing 1992. ISBN 9780904693393

The First Class of the Michael School and Ist Christological Foundations. For members of the School of Spiritual Science
Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum 2009.

The Foundation Stone Meditation. A Key to the Christian Mysteries
Temple Lodge Publishing 2006. ISBN 9781902636825

Friedrich Schiller and the Future of Freedom, with Aspects of his Occult Biography.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2023. ISBN 9781915776044

The Guardian of the Threshold and the Philosophy of Freedom. On the Relationship of The Philosophy of Freedom to the Fifth Gospel
Temple Lodge Publishing 2011. ISBN 9781906999247

Honoring Life – Medical Ethics and Physician-Assisted Suicide. A Consideration from an Anthroposophical Point of View
SteinerBooks 2014. ISBN 9781621480532

How do we stand before Rudolf Steiner today? In: Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society and Pathways to the Future
Temple Lodge Publishing 2013. ISBN 9781906999438

May Human Beings Hear it!. The Mystery of the Christmas Conference
Temple Lodge Publishing 2nd edition 2014. ISBN 9781906999612

The Heavenly Sophia and the Being Anthroposophia.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2nd edition 2006. ISBN 9781902636795

The Michael-Mystery. A Spiritual-Scientific view of the Michael-Imagination and ist representation in Eurythmy
Wynstones Press 2015. ISBN 9780946206780

The Mystery of John the Baptist and John the Avangelist at the Turning Point of Time. An Esoteric Study
Temple Lodge Publishing 2005. ISBN 9781902636672

The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2010. ISBN 9781906999124

The Occult Significance of Forgiveness.
Temple Lodge Publishing 4 edition 2004. ISBN 9781902636603

Prophecy of the Russian Epic. How the Holy Mountains Released the Mighty Russian Heroes from their Rocky Caves
Temple Lodge Publishing 1993. ISBN 9780904693492

Relating to Rudolf Steiner and The Mystery of the Laying of the Foundation Stone
Temple Lodge Publishing 2008. ISBN 9781902636955

The Riddle of Dmitri, considered from historical, psychological and spiritual-scientific viewpoints.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2022. ISBN 9781912230976

Riddle of the Human ‘I’. An Anthroposophical Study
Temple Lodge Publishing. 2017. ISBN 9781906999971

Rudolf Steiner and the Masters of Esoteric Christianity.
Wynstones Press 2018. ISBN 9780946206827

Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries.
Temple Lodge Publishing 3rd edition 2017. ISBN 9781912230044

Rudolf Steiner – Fragment of a Spiritual Biography
Temple Lodge Publishing 2020. ISBN 9781912230563

Rudolf Steiner’s Path of Initiation and the Mystery of the Ego. Lecture in Bologna on March 2011 during the International Conference to mark the Centenary of Tudolf Steiner’s Lecture in Bologna
Temple Lodge Publishing 2013. ISBN 9781906999551

Rudolf Steiner’s Sculptural Group. A Revelation of the Spiritual Purpose of Humanity and the Earth
Temple Lodge Publishing 2013. ISBN 9781906999452

Rudolf Steiner’s Research into Karma. and the Mission of the Anthroposophical Society
Temple Lodge Publishing 2nd edition 2010. ISBN 9781906999186

The Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe and the Futer Mysteries of the Holy Grail.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2016. ISBN 9781906999919

“Time-Journeys” – A Counter-Image to Anthroposophical Spiritual Research. A Presentation for Members of the Anthroposophical Society
Wynstones Press 2013. ISBN 9780946206742

The Twelve Holy Nights and the Spiritual Hierarchies.
Temple Lodge Publishing 3rd edition 2004. ISBN 9781902636610

Valentin Tomberg and Anthroposophy. A Problematic Relationship
Temple Lodge Publishing 2005. ISBN 9781902636641

What is Anthroposophy.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2006. ISBN 9781902636788

The Whitsun Impulse and Christ’s Activity in Social Life.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2010. ISBN 9781906999155

Why Become a Member of the Anthroposophical Society.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2012. ISBN 9781906999384

Why Become a Member of the School of Spiritual Science?.
Temple Lodge Publishing 2012. ISBN 9781906999391